2021 June Updates and Online Diaries

(I think the play button works now! 🙂 )


DS Annotations is back up and my involvement with that. Much love to Saramonster!

Continuing narrative between The Pit and Osheen Nevoy’s “In Darkness” along with kind words from Helena Clara Bouchet. Also why I found the Hoffman/Stokes romance made the most sense.

Next segment for beloved pen friends: postage stamp updates, things coming out and so forth.

Alternative social sites by using a search-engine of choice and looking for the words “online diary”. These are my (first page search) results. I am not listing the sites I speak of here because the point of this podcast is to encourage listeners to search this topic on their own.

How I dissected my anxiety over hype-modules in both the 20th Century and recently. Life experience is an important aspect of this. Plainly put; many people don’t really care! (frowny face)

A response about our old long-lost friends, who have been taken over by big biz social media, to my new friends. (They did care.)

Pointers about how to treat people who don’t have expected life-skills; such as how to drive. No matter how politely you nag someone: Nagging doesn’t work.

Online journal suggestions I found and one of which I use and am grateful for. (Stalkers likely already know about this.) My solution to the “like” and “kudos” button problems.

Going to the source is still important. Responding to notifications created by someone else may be very unimportant.

Continued support for Dark Shadows and the 2012 film for very important reasons.

Get in touch when you can, if you can.


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