Margaret Josette Dupres, Chapter 41


josettes ghost and barnabas on portico



Some of this has adult content but most of it doesn’t. I didn’t anticipate it to go there but… you know… this couple.  (Very likely that portion will go over most readers heads.) Pardon that it gets wordy. Barnabas and I asked Edgar Allan Poe for a little help. 😉  I listened to a lot of music by Adrian Von Ziegler while writing this. (Also available on bandcamp, like Nave Artificial I mentioned for the previous chapter.)

For this we have the delving into Episode 70 of Dark Shadows written by Art Wallace. As said on this blog, Josette is not an under-developed character, if anything she is over-developed into a plethora of facets. Her ghost is one of these facets and what with Josette’s Ghost manifesting on Dark Shadows during times Maggie Evans has been asleep (or as near to asleep in her activities as makes no difference) we can see how astral projection comes into play. As Episode 70 is Pre-Barnabas Dark Shadows, I hope you delight in the catch-up time our couple shares here. To me their love is a continuous dance, and one I could never invent, only help to heal.

Please hit the link above if you would like to read.

(Same author’s notes are in bold before the chapter begins.)

hug and ghost

chapter 41 MJD

I couldn’t decide which image was appropriate to celebrate this one, so I’m using three that I created for this entry. ❤

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